
The Top 5 Fashion Cities of the World:
 But 1st here is another fashion saying I love:
           I will be talking about the top 5 fashion cities of the world and why they are so big in fashion I got most of my information from the website http://www.languagemonitor.com/category/fashion/fashion-capitals/. 
      5. Rome:
Rome became huge in fashion between the 11th-16th centuries. Rome was known for luxury goods, hats, cosmetics, jewelry, and nice fabrics. Last year, 2014, Rome was ranked 6th out of all the fashion cities in the world. 

     4. Los Angeles:
Los Angeles is famous for there Fashion Week the one in March, for all fall and winter collections, and one in October, for all summer and spring collections. The first Fashion Week started in the 20th century, but at the time it was called "Press Week". Last year, 2014, Los Angeles was still in 4th place. 

     3. London:
London has a lot of famous fashion schools that is one reason why they are famous for fashion. Another reason why is because a lot of the British kings and queens bought there clothing from clothing designer in London. Last year, 2014, was ranked in 3rd place and they still are.   

     2. New York:
Like Los Angeles has a fashion week their fashion week is in February and September. They have one of the 4 big fashion weeks also with Paris, London, and Milan. Last year, 2014, New York was ranked in 1st, but now they dropped down to 2nd. 

     1. Paris:
Paris probable has one of the most famous Fashion Weeks there is one of the most well known. There fashion really started blossoming in the 17th century when a fashion press came out. They are known as the Fashion Capital of the world. Last year, 2014, Paris was ranked 2nd out of all the world, but now they are in 1st.

Those are the top 5 fashion capitals of the world. I hoped you enjoyed learning a little bit more about fashion cities and their history. Thanks for reading this was fashionista.

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